Populus euramericana C V-1-214 (Dada) Guinier

Populus euramericana C V-1-214 (Dada) Guinier

Family :


English Name:

Hybrid Poplar

Local Name :

Doghla Poplar

Description :

A tall tree often attaining a height of 30 m with a diameter of 50 cm. The leaves are broadly triangular with long petioles. It is a female poplar, a hybrid cultivar derived from Populus deltoides and Populus nigra at the Institute of Casale Monferrato, Italy. It has no burrs. Buds are pointed and flowering occurs before leafing. It is reproduced by vegetative means (stem cuttings). It is very fast-growing hybrid. MAI of 40 m3/ha/yr has been recorded. Height of 17 m with diameter of 15 cm in 5 years is common. Grains fine or medium, even textured, fairly strong having specific gravity between 0.28 and 0.52. Sapwood is white, greenish brown when dry.

Distribution :

The tree was widely grown all over Europe after the Second World War and now throughout the world. It was introduced into Pakistan in the mid-fifties. An intolerant tree that grows on deep soils which have large quantities of water. However, it performs poorly under waterlogged and saline conditions. It can withstand freezing temperatures but is damaged when temperatures exceed 40 to 45°c. It should therefore not be planted in southern parts of the Punjab and Balochistan as well as in Sindh.

Uses :

This is a good farm forestry tree. It requires deep soil working and continuous weed control. If stressed, it is susceptible to insect and disease problems including defoliators and borers. Also used for timber, fuel, packing cases and crates, housing, furniture, matches, plywood, pulp, chip board, shuttering poles, and fodder purposes.