Trees of Pakistan
Ulmus wallichiana Planch.
Family Name: Ulmaceae
Local Name : Mannu, Kain
English Name : Himalayan Elm
Description : A large sized deciduous tree. It reaches heights of 24 to 27 m with diameters of 1.2 to 1.5 m. large trees will have an ascending crown. The leaves are simple, alternate, 7 to 15 cm long. The bark is rough, grey to dark grey and deeply furrowed. The flowers are in congested bunches on the leafless branches. The fruits are 12 to 15 mm long. It flowers in March to April while fruit matures between April and June. Although it is sometimes attacked by wood borers they cause little economic damage. It is reproduced from seed. Seeds are small and lose their viability shortly after ripening. Diameter growth of 0.85 cm/year has been observed. Grains are straight, coarse and uneven-textured. Wood is hard, strong, and heavy having Specific gravity of 0.67.
Terminalia chebula Retz
Family Name: Combretaceae
Local Name : Harrir
English Name : Black myrobalan
Description : This plant is a medium to large deciduous tree that grows up to 30m tall. The trunk is about 1m in diameter and is dark brown in colour. The leaves are sub-opposite, oval shaped, alternate to and 7-8cm long and 4-10cm wide with a 1-3cm long petiole, they have an acute tip, cordate at the base, margins entire, glabrous above with a yellowish pubescence below. The fruit is 2-5cm long and 1.5-3cm wide, blackish and drupe-like. The flowers are monoecious, whitish yellow in colour and have a strong and unpleasant smell. The Fruit is a drupe, and it is 3-4cm long and 2-3cm wide, hard, yellow to orange, brown in colour. The fruits have single angled stone.
Terminalia belerica (Gaertn.) Roxb.
Family Name: Combretaceae
Local Name : Bahera
English Name : Beleric Myrabolam
Description : A large deciduous tree 24 to 30 m tall with a diameter of 0.6 to 2.5 m. It has a massive spreading crown. The leaves are simple but clustered near the ends of the branches. The leaves are oblong or elliptic 8 to 20 cm long and leathery. The trunk is buttressed with pronounced ridges. The bark is thick, bluish or ash grey with vertical furrows. The flowers are greenish yellow with an offensive odor and occur in bunches 7 to 15 cm long. It is monoecious with the flower bunches divided into separate male and female flowers. The female flowers are in the lower parts of the bunch with the males in the upper portion. The flowers appear between April and June. The fruit is a fleshy nut 3 cm long. The nuts mature in December. There are fungi that attacks the tree but does not cause sign
Terminalia arjuna (Rox. Ex D.C.) Wight & Arn.
Family Name: Combretaceae
Local Name : Arjun
English Name : Arjan
Description : A large evergreen tree 21 to 30 m tall with a diameter of 1 to 2.5 m. It has an open, spreading crown with drooping branches. The leaves are simple with smooth margins and are oblong or elliptic 10 to 15 cm long. The truck is buttressed with pronounced ridges. The bark is thick, pinkish green to grey and peels off in large thin sheets. The flowers are yellowish white and occur in bunches 3 to 6 cm long between April and May. The fruit is a wood capsule 2.5 to 5 cm long. The cones mature in May and June. It has no known insect or disease problems. It can be reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. It is a fast-growing tree that can produce yields between 10 and 12 m3/ha/yr. Heights of 5 to 8m have been recorded in a 5 year period. Grains are wavy, coarse and even-textur
Tecomella undulata Seem.
Family Name: Bignoniaceae
Local Name : Lahura
English Name : Forest fire, flame of the forest
Description : A small-sized deciduous tree. Heights of 12 m and diameters of 0.5 to 0.8 m are not uncommon. Leaves are opposite, simple and 3 to 9.5 cm long. The flowers are pale yellow to orange and appear in dense clusters from February to May. The fruit is a capsule or pod 17 to 34 cm long. The pods mature between April and July. It has no known insect or disease problems. It can be reproduced from seed. The seeds are winged, 2 cm long and broad. It is a very slow growing tree. Diameters of 5 to 8 cm in five years are not uncommon. Grains are straight, medium coarse and somewhat even textured. Wood is strong, resilient having specific gravity of 0.57 to 0.83.
Taxodium distichurn L.
Family Name: Cupressaceae
Local Name : Taxodium
English Name : Bald cypress
Description : This plant is s a deciduous Tree growing to 30m tall. It is a slow slow-growing plant. The bark is greyish to reddish brown. The leaves are needle-like leaves are 1.2-2cm long, and leaves are alternate, simple, alternate, green, with entire margins. In autumn, the leaves turn into copper red or yellow. This species is monoecious (with male and female flowers on a single plant). Flowering month in April and the seeds mature in October. Cones are present, male cones appear on panicles and are 10-14cm long while female cones are round, and green when young and as they mature they turn brown and are 2-4cm in diameter. They have from 20-30 spirally organized four-sided scales, each having one or rarely three triangular seeds. Each cone contains 20-40 large seeds. The seeds are
Tamarindus indica Linn.
Family Name: Leguminosae
Local Name : Imlee
English Name : Tamarind
Description : A moderate to large-sized evergreen tree. At maturity heights to 25 m and diameter of 3 m have been recorded. On large trees the trunk is buttressed. The crown is wide, rounded and dense. The leaves are compound, 15 cm long and divided into 9 to 12 pairs of leaflets. The leaflets are grey-green, smooth, and linear to oblong approximately 1.5 cm long and have short stalks. The bark is grey, cracked and scaly. The trunk is often forked into numerous large stems. The flowers are small, yellowish with pink strips. They occur in loose bunches around a central axis between March and May. The fruit is a pod 7.5 to 20 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, 1 cm thick and slightly curved. The color of the pod is a greyish brown. It matures from June to July. It has no known insect or disease problems. It
Syzygium cumini (Linn.) Skeels.
Family Name: Myrtaceae
Local Name : Jamun, Jaman
English Name : Black Plum
Description : A large evergreen tree up to 40 m tall with a diameter of 1 to 2 m. The crown is spreading and dense. The leaves are simple, variable in size and shape, oval to oval-lance like 7 to 15 cm long, dark green, tough and leathery. The bark is smooth, and the stem may be crooked. The bark is light to dark grey, with slight depressions. The small white flowers have tassels and a sweet scent. They are arranged in bunches of threes and bloom usually between February and March. The fruit is a smooth, round fleshy berry that is purple black when ripe. The berry contains a single seed. The berries are edible and mature between June and August. It has no known insect or disease problems. It is reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. The seeds are small and should be planted immedia
Sophora japonica L.
Family Name: Fabaceae
Local Name : Gul e Safed
English Name : Japanese pagoda tree, Sophora
Description : This is a deciduous tree, and it is about 15 to 25 m tall, generally branching low down when the plant is growing. Twigs and branches are smooth and olive green with prominent tan lenticels bark on the trunk is furrowed into rounded, interlacing ridges. The leaves are 17 to 20 cm long and are dark green in colour, pinnate (divided like a feather) and composed of 7 to 17 ovate to oval leaflets. The flowers are about 1cm long the flowers and fruit of the pagoda tree, share features associated with garden peas. The flower is a pleasant creamy-white colour, or slightly yellow. Flowers grow in long panicles composed of individual flowers which hang from the branches. These flower-bunches range from 6-12 inches in length, depending on the number of flowers. After pollination, flowers g
Sesbania sesban (Linn.) Merrill.
Family Name: Leguminosae
Local Name : Manjhli, Jhinjin, Jantar
English Name : Sesbania
Description : A small tree, almost evergreen, attaining a height of up to 6 m and a diameter of 15 cm. Leaves are green and pinnate. The flowers are pale yellow, slender and occur in the spring as well as in the autumn. Seed is produced in slightly twisted pods up to 25 cm long which contain many seeds. Young plants may be attacked by insect defoliators and stem borers. Grown very easily from seed which is sown directly. Can attain a height of 5 m in a year. Yield recorded in India was more than 5 tons/ha on a one-year rotation. Grains open textured, having low density and weak strength.