Ehretia acuminata R. Br
Family Name: Boraginaceae
Local Name : Puna
English Name : Koda Tree

Description : This plant be a small to large tree with a very dense or thick canopy, its height ranges from 3-15m high but a grown and fully developed can be much higher. Specimens up to 30m have been found in Australia and trunk is of about 90cm in diameter. This plant remains green throughout the year, though in very temperatures it can become deciduous. The trunk or bole is straight and cylindrical. The leaves are simple and finely toothed and have the length of about 8-13cm. Smooth and green on both surfaces slightly hairy above. Flowers are small, white and have diameter of about 4mm. Seed shows rapid germination.

Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb
Family Name: Ebenaceae
Local Name : Beri Patta/Indian Cigar
English Name : Coromandel ebony or East Indian ebony

Description : Coromandel ebony or East Indian ebony is a medium-sized tree or shrub that can be deciduous in drier localities and evergreen in moister areas. Its height can be up to 25m high. The bole of the plant can be 60cm in diameter. It is leafless in the hot weather conditions and reappears in normal weather conditions. In wet or moist areas, it is evergreen. The primary root is thick, fleshy and long, after that greyish, woody usually swollen in upper part near surface. Leaves have the leathery texture and are up to 35cm long. The leaves of the trees have flavones. The flowers appear from mid-April till end of June on fresh shoots. The fruit take one year to ripen, the olive-green fruit is oval in shape and the trees produce very good seeds in two years.

Diospyros lotus L.
Family Name: Ebenaceae
Local Name : Jungli Amlook
English Name : Date-plum

Description : Date-plum is a deciduous tree growing to 15 to 20m high at a medium rate with the sloughing aging bark.  The trunk is brown in colour, and it is hard. The leaves are petiolate, leathery, shiny oval shape with pointed ends, 5 to 15cm long and 3 to 6 cm in width and are shiny green on colour. The flowers are small, greenish in colour, and they appear from June to July. Both male and female flowers are present, female flowers are larger than male flowers. Fruits are berries with juicy flesh, mealy white when unripe and yellowish orange when ripe, and the fruit is 1 to2 cm in diameter. Seeds are 11 mm long, laterally compresses and brownish black in colour. 

Diospyros embryopteris Pers.
Family Name: Ebenaceae
Local Name : Gaab, gab
English Name : Indian Persimmon

Description : A slow growing evergreen plant, it is long-lived, very slow-growing tree, which can reach up to 35m in height with a trunk up to 70cm in diameter, the bark is dark or blackish in colour. Doesn't grow that much in height but brings plenty of green leaves, which makes the tree very dense. Leaves are long slender with lovely foliage. New-born leaves have a colour of coffee, the tree has fragment flowers, and they are creamy white in colour. The fruits are round, and yellow when ripe, they are 5 to 8 cm in diameter with 5 to 6 seeds.

Derris indica Bennet.
Family Name: Leguminosae
Local Name : Pongam
English Name : Ponga Oil Tree

Description : A medium size, deciduous tree, 20 to 25 m in height. The branches are spreading and drooping. The leaves are compound with leaflets in groups of 5 to 9. The leaflets are lime green turning dark green with age. The bark is soft, greyish brown. The flowers occur in hanging bunches and are 1.3 cm long. The flowers are white tinged with violet, appearing between April and May. The pods are small, 3 to 5 cm long and woody. The pods ripen from March to May of the following year. There is usually one seed per pod. It can be reproduced both from seed and by vegetative means. The seed would remain viable for one year if its carefully stored. This is a fast-growing tree that attains its mature height in 4 to 5 years. Wood is heavy, hard and strong, yellowish white colored, with a specific

Delonix regia Raf.
Family Name: Leguminosae
Local Name : Gul Mohar
English Name : Gold Mohur, Flame tree

Description : A small to medium sized tree that attains heights of 12 to 15 m with diameters of 30 to 35 cm. Although it sheds its leaves in winter, or the dry season, it is never totally leafless. The tree has a wide crown of 15m or more. The growth is erect at first and then turns outward causing an umbrella shaped crown. The alternatively arranged leaves are large, double compound (bipinnate), and long, up to 20 to 60 cm. The bark is grey, smooth, splitting or exfoliating. The bole is short and sometimes buttressed. Flowers are 10 cm across, bright scarlet in lax terminal and axillary racemes. They are extremely showy. Flowering occurs after the cold season between May and June. The fruit is a large woody pod 50 cm long and 5 cm wide containing flattened beans. Pods and seed are persistent.

Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.
Family Name: Leguminosae
Local Name : Shisham, Tahli
English Name : Rose wood

Description : A medium size to large, deciduous tree, 30 m in height. The branches are spreading, and diameters of 3 m have been recorded. The trunk is usually crooked. The leaves are compound with 3 to 5 leaflets on an 8 cm stalk. The leaflets are between 2.5 to 6 cm in diameter, broadly oval, tough and pointed. The bark is grey and furrowed longitudinally. On older trees the bark may peel off in strips. Young branches may be covered with a grey down. The flowers occur in groups and are small. The flowers are dull white to yellowish white to pinkish, appearing between March and May. The pods are small, 5 to 8 cm long and papery. The pods ripen from June to February there are usually 1 to 4 seeds per pod. A very intolerant tree, susceptible to root diseases in irrigated plantations and attack

Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.
Family Name: Fabaceae
Local Name : Kala Sheesham
English Name : Blackwood Sheesham

Description : This is deciduous trees and grows to 25m high, the bark of the tree is bark is 10 to 15 mm thick, grey, smooth with short irregular cracks. Leaves are imparipinnate, rarely 1-foliate, and alternate. Leaflets are 3 to 9, alternate. Flowers are bisexual and are 5 to 6mm long, with white colour. Fruit is a pod, 5 to 7.5cm long and 1.5 to 1.8 cm wide, distinctly marked in the place of seeds, but not wrinkled, indehiscent; seeds are 1-4, reniform, brown.

Cupressus sempervirens L.
Family Name: Cupressaceae
Local Name : Saru/Saro
English Name : Graveyard or Pyramidal Cypress

Description : This plant is an evergreen conifer grows up to 20-30m in height. Trunk is hard and straight. Bark is thin, smooth and grey. Leaves are scale-like, decussate, small, ovate, obtuse, dark green, with a dorsal gland in the shape of longitudinal furrow. Flowers appear early in spring. Cones are short stalk, glossy, brown to grey, pendulous and about 2-3cm long. Cones begin to open in September, after shedding the seeds.

Cupressus arizonica
Family Name: Cupressaceae
Local Name : Gulabi Saru
English Name : Arizona Cypress

Description : A 15 to 25 m tall tree, conic in shape. Branches are not compressed. Leaves are acute, blue grey to greyish green, about 2 mm long. The margins are finely toothed. The bark is rough reddish-brown greying with fine abrasion. Mature cones are 12 to 25 mm across with 6 to 8 scales. They stay on the tree for many years. It is reproduced from seed. It is a comparatively fast-growing cypress tree. It can grow 1 m/yr in height under favorable conditions. Close grained Soft, greyish yellow with average strength.